This is the official App of Karnataka Rajya Pravarga Ondara Jathigala Okkoota This is the Community Created by all casts and sub casts which comes under Category1 to unit and share there opinions and work towards the welfare of all Category1 members.The president of this group and the member of this group is D T Srinivas and followed with office bearers from state district and taluk.This is a Platform created t discuss all the problem and wrong things occuring in the Society.Here You will come to Know about the category1 Team of Every State and District and taluk.You will come to know about our Good Works done by us for Public.Members can apply for the association by paying 11 INR( which will be paid by cash or online trasfer through NEFT)and same will be verified by the administrator. Once approved they will become the official members of Category1 and there details will available in the members page.Our members will get the latest and accurate information of jobs, benefits from the state and central government for our Association members. Our team is working on Chat option where our community members can discuss and interact with each other.Our Association is coming up with doc care which will get redirected to the website.